CBD in general

Let’s start at the beginning. What is CBD cannabinoid?

CBD cannabinoid is a phytocannabinoid present in industrial hemp. Scientists discovered it in 1940 and today it is the most widely known one among the 113 phytocannabinoids present in the hemp plant.

So, CBD is a phytocannabinoid. A lot is also being said about endocannabinoids. What are those?

Endocannabinoids are cannabinoids that our body produces. These cannabinoids are actually an important part of any mammal’s organism. Endocannabinoids are formed by the body on its own and they are a part of a larger system called the endocannabinoid system.

What is an endocannabinoid system?

The endocannabinoid system is a chemical communications system in our bodies consisting of endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, enzymes and proteins. The system ensures communication between the cells in the body, keeping the body functions in harmony and maintaining the general balance of our organism.

What is the difference between CBD and THC?

CBD and THC are both cannabinoids derived from cannabis. CBD is derived from industrial hemp, which can be legally cultivated in Slovenia and the EU since it has no psychoactive effects. THC is illegal in Slovenia and the EU due to its psychoactive effects on humans. They also bind to different receptors in the human organism.


So, CBD is 100 % legal.

As mentioned above, CBD is derived from industrial hemp and can be cultivated and processed legally in Slovenia and the EU states.

Methods of use, products

In what ways can CBD be ingested?

CBD cannabinoid can be ingested in several ways. One of the most popular ways of ingestion is through the use of drops or sprays (through the mucous membrane). CBD cannabinoid is available on the market in many different forms. It can be ingested in the form of capsules, gummi bears, CBD water, it can also be added to coffee or a chocolate flavoured drink. You can find more information on how it can be ingested here: The six most common ways to use CBD oil


Are CBD drops the best option?

CBD in drops or CBD drops is still the most popular way of ingesting CBD cannabinoid in Slovenia. There are several reasons for their popularity, chief among them probably that this was one of the first forms of CBD available on the market. CBD sprays are becoming more and more popular abroad, as they enable easier dosage and provide optimal absorption in the body. A general rule with CBD is to apply or ingest it as close as possible to the source of the problem so that it can have the best possible effect. With digestive problems, such as Chron’s disease, CBD is most effective in the form of rectal suppositories and with autoimmune diseases, it is best to ingest CBD through the mucous membrane, so that it can pass into the bloodstream quickly.

Is it true that there are different CBDs available for different problems? That, for instance, insomnia requires a different CBD than pain relief does.

Not true. There is only one CBD cannabinoid. The only differences are the quality of its extraction, the hemp manufacturing techniques and the concentration of the cannabinoid itself, which is always listed on the packaging.

What is the optimal daily dosage of CBD?

This is one of the most frequent and most difficult questions asked. Several different factors are involved in determining the optimal dose, which makes it difficult to determine a rule that would apply to all. For instance, we each have a different number of endocannabinoid receptors to which CBD binds itself, and because of this already, a general dosage cannot be determined. Someone with a relatively low number of receptors will have to ingest a lot more CBD to achieve the same effect as someone with a high number of receptors. Additionally, the dosage is also determined by the severity of the problem you want to treat, etc.

There are so many different brands of CBD available online, I don’t know which one to choose. What do I pay attention to when buying CBD extract?

When buying CBD oils, you need to pay attention to the way it was extracted – the best and highest quality extraction process is CO2 extraction, which can be recognized by its characteristic golden colour of the CBD oil. Next, you should check that the manufacturer is willing to provide the reports that prove the quality of the product and the exact concentration of the CBD in the product. It is also very important that the product contains the full range of cannabinoids and not just CBD, as its effect in the full spectrum is much better. There are also different websites that independently test different CBD oil brands and publish the reviews.

CBD oil must be extracted from organic hemp because otherwise, it is full of heavy metals that are harmful to my health. Is this true?

Organic production and heavy metals don’t really have much in common. It is true that hemp pulls heavy metals from the earth (cleaning the soil of heavy metals) and therefore there is a risk that the adult plant will contain them in surplus values. Whether hemp is organically grown or not doesn’t make much difference since the heavy metals are already present in the soil where the seeds are sown. It only ensures the absence of pesticides, harmful herbicides and other artificial pest and growth regulators. Since hemp is a highly resistant plant that grows rapidly even under difficult conditions, the use of these is practically unnecessary and would only mean additional costs for the grower. Hemp also grows quickly and can reach enviable heights, causing it to quell most of the weed that would otherwise grow around it. Because of this, most hemp is organically grown, with or without a certificate. To check the heavy metal content in specific products, ask the manufacturer for the reports, which will show any excess values.

Absorption – what’s it about?

CBD oil manufacturers talk a lot about absorption. In fact, it is an important topic in all dietary supplements. It means what percentage of a particular substance or supplement, in our case, CBD cannabinoid, the body can absorb – it can take in and use. Many factors influence the quality of the absorption, including the way it’s ingested. Generally, the best absorption is achieved when CBD is ingested via the mucous membrane.

The effects of CBD oil

Will CBD drops make me ‘high’?

CBD cannabinoid doesn’t have any psychoactive effects on your organism and won’t make you feel intoxicated or ‘high’. Some users report a feeling of relaxation or drowsiness after ingesting so we would recommend that you use CBD in the evening. Once your body gets used to cannabinoids, you can then spread and increase the dosage to several times a day.

I will feel relief immediately after ingesting CBD.

There are no rules here that would hold 100% true. There are some cases, where CBD will bring relief immediately after ingestion, especially when coping with stress or insomnia, and often when dealing with pain. CBD’s effect on issues involving autoimmune or chronic diseases and skin problems will take a little longer.

How much longer?

Unfortunately, there is no golden rule, but usually, its positive effects should be visible after a month of regular use.

They say that CBD cannabinoid is effective with everything.

Although there is an unusually large number of spheres where cannabinoid use is beneficial, it doesn’t mean it is effective everywhere, or that it will work the same for everyone. CBD cannabinoid binds itself to the endocannabinoid receptors in our body and is effective in areas that these receptors help regulate. Most research into its effects has been done in the fields of autoimmune diseases, some neurodegenerative diseases and insomnia. But people worldwide are using CBD oil to successfully fight various conditions. Here are just a few of the most common uses of CBD. 

Is it true that the CBD cannabinoid doesn’t have any side effects?

This cannot be claimed with complete certainty, but it is a fact that CBD has very little negative side effects given the high amount of positive active substances it holds. The effects people most often mention are a feeling of dry mouth, an effect on their appetite and, in cases where very large quantities are consumed, digestive problems.

Is it beneficial for me to take the CBD cannabinoid extract if I don’t have any health problems?

Many people chose to take CBD cannabinoid as a preventative measure. Opinions on whether this is recommended or not are divided, but generally, we advise against the use of CBD when there are no health issues involved. Of course, it is also not harmful to do so.

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